BEC / NOV / 2018 - page 38

plant stabilization and yield maximization of
the cannabis plant.
Robinson has travelled to Ottawa every eight
to 10 weeks in the past few years, working on
federal mandates to make sure everything we
are doing has an environmental and sustain-
ability process built into marijuana growing.
“It really became interesting when we decided
to apply science to growing and managing
processes around the plant.”
Robinson is a recognized specialist in the
cannabis sector and has worked directly with
the CL2G Group’s clients and Health Canada
in all stages of the application and licensing
phases, as well as Extensive experience regu-
lated industries over 20 years. “What that
does to help me is when you’ve worked with
regulators you start to understand wants and
needs,” says Robinson. “We specialize in the
development of output documents and how
to apply them. It’s the same with oil and gas,
finance, banking, health care, you start to
understand specification documents. Being in
this space since 2013 allows us to read current
regulations and adapt to, understand, and
deploy them in such a manner they are simple
to follow and remain compliant.”
The Cannabis Act is perfectly pitted for
RavenQuest, says Robinson, because allows
the company to continue to grow under the
standard processor cultivator while allowing
their R&D and nursery sides to flourish—three
distinct licenses. “What I think is also very
valuable are the craft producers, smaller grow-
ers looking for ways to enter the legal market,”
he continues. “We partner with smaller opera-
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