BEC / NOV / 2018 - page 47

stellar and their injury rates are among
the lowest in all of Canada and the
Bartkoski lives his commitment by
residing in the midst of the operation
in the community of Tumbler Ridge,
B.C. He’s always done this as a way to
gauge a ground level view of the direc-
tion and morale of the operation. It
aids in gaining input and commitment
from everyone. “I believe in living in
the town we are affecting. You have to
have the heart beat of the community
and people; you have to look them
in the eye every day. For an effective
leadership team to unite and incorpo-
rate all the co-owners—our employ-
ees, you have to stay connected.”
And the consensus on the ground
level? The commitment is overwhelm-
ing and surging, the empowerment
and engagement is sincere. At the
time of our conversation, Conuma was
employing 830 families—Bartkoski
measures their size by the number of
families; projected to reach 930 by
year end, and 3000 indirect jobs.
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