BEC / NOV / 2018 - page 33

to Indigenous Peoples’ lands. RavenQuest has
developed an Indigenous-centered, end-to-
end offering for cannabis production and sale
on sovereign land.
Whereas traditional marijuana growing has
been ingreenhouses onflat tables, RavenQuest
has taken a different approach called Orbital
Gardening. Through integrated design of its
facilities, RavenQuest looks at two metrics:
the largest yield on the smallest footprint. As
an alternative to flat tables, RavenQuest uses
Orbital Gardens, which are essentially drums
or circle gardens, which allows for maximum
yield in the least amount of space.
“We decided to apply science to cannabis
cultivation and reimage it,” says George Robin-
son, CEO. “The answer is Orbital Garden-
ing, which uses the cubic footage of a space
instead of the square footage. Where as the
average producer grows 120 to 130 grams per
square foot, RavenQuest boasts total produc-
tion of over 300 grams per square foot, more
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