BEC / February / 2014 - page 108

business elite canada
first client. “We worked with
them developing solutions to
help measure costs, quality,
inventory and per formance –
it’s what we still do today.”
The company thereafter pro-
gressed, and grew from a
team of 4 to over 50, and is
still rapidly growing its op-
erations. “We grow over 50%
each year and we’re looking
to bring in 30-40 more ‘Nu-
logites’ this year.”
Though headquartered in
downtown Toronto, more
than 90% of the business is
outside of Canada in interna-
tional markets and, geograph-
ically speaking, the company
is growing more into the Eu-
ropean and South American
markets. In an effort to bring
back manufacturing in Can-
ada, the business is looking
to attract more attention to
national markets while still
dabbling in international do-
mains. “In Canada most man-
ufacturing is outsourced, and
in Europe it’s a growing trend
to be more outsourced, which
is driving our growth,” says
Tham. “Innovation for Ca-
nadian companies will come
from solving very difficult
problems and our goal is to
dramatically evolve the manu-
facturing sector. The way we
do that is we attract driven
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