The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnership - page 9

seriously at the model for a new hospital
and for their road system. The Premier of
Manitoba has publicly announced that they
are developing a P3 business case and fi-
nancial advisory services for constructing
four new schools with a total value of over
$100 million. “We have studied these ap-
proaches carefully and believe a similar
innovative procurement delivery model
could mean cost savings and better value
for Manitobans,” said Premier Brian Pallis-
ter. “We owe it to taxpayers to consider
how we can deliver high-quality services
more cost-effectively.”
“P3s are good for industry, but more im-
portantly, the reality is that investing in
infrastructure pays dividends, is hugely
critical to stimulating economic prosper-
ity, and enables communities to become
much more proactive,” says Romoff. “The
more investment you can make in infra-
structure, the better economic outcome,
which is good for Canadians writ large.”
“The more investment you can make in infrastructure the better economic
outcome, which is good for Canadians writ large.” –Mark Romoff, President
business elite canada
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