Ethoenergy - page 9

which it is growing currently, there will be
less need for the transmission grid and the
large energy generation assets that utility
companies have invested in,” DeSota said.
According to DeSota, Ontario is straggling
behind due to heavy regulation. One ex-
ample is the time-consuming approval pro-
cess needed before residential systems
can be connected, with a potential for re-
jection by the government due to insuffi-
cient capacity. Globally, this is very uncom-
mon — systems that are of residential size
are automatically approved.
“We’ve got a long way to go,” DeSota said,
but the goal will incontestably be reached
due to the innovation that drives compa-
nies like EthoEnergy.
Presently, DeSota is engaged in plans for
a home, an example for the homebuilding
industry, to demonstrate the feasibility of
a smart energy residential unit. The model
will show the costs of the technologies
used and the time taken to generate profit.
“Conservation, generation through so-
lar and storage through battery — when
those three things come together, you can
completely manage the energy needs of
your home or business,” DeSota said.
“Earning somebody’s trust is more important than the revenue potential of the sale.”
APRIL 2016
business elite canada
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