DynaLife Dx - page 7

Over the years, there has been a growing
trend within the medical community to rely
more on lab results when making decisions
surrounding patient care. “There’s lots of stats
out there like ‘over 80 percent of physician de-
cisions are based on lab tests’. There is a mas-
sive dependency now on diagnostics that was
not there before so, as a result of the changes
in technology and the change in demograph-
ics, the demand for lab services has risen dra-
matically and steadily,” Pincock explained. “It’s
been between five and seven percent growth
every year, year after year, despite population
In addition, it’s no longer feasible for most hos-
pitals to operate their own small, full-service
independent labs. In many cases, some servic-
es are now contracted out to larger organiza-
tions like DynaLIFE Dx that can ensure the sus-
tainability and high level of quality achieved
through advanced technology, critical human
resources and large-scale logistics and integra-
tion, Pincock said.
Today, it’s all about how quickly results can
be delivered and thanks to advances in both
information and diagnostic technology, those
results can be provided to physicians as soon
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