Page 12 - NCC Investment Group
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NCC AC Industrial Park Warehouses

  Four-plex                                                     Residential Home

        Chamber of Commerce’s 2021 Qikiqtani Business           the community through volunteering at many

        Achievement Awards. He is quick to point out that       organizations such as Habitat for Humanity, where
        it was a group effort.  “Without the amazing staff      he served as buildings and site committee chair,

        we have at NCC as well as the leadership from our       fundraising chair and vice chair; by being Vice
        board of directors it would never have happened.        Chair for Skills Canada Nunavut; President of Baffin

        I have been fortunate to be surrounded by an            Regional Chamber of Commerce; Vice Chair of the

        amazing team of hard working and dedicated              Building Advisory Committee, to name only a few.
        individuals that make this company into what it

        is, and it is this team that will ensure NCC has        Synard is proud to see the inclusion of NCC in the

        continued success in the future,” he says.              transition and growth of Nunavut since its territorial
                                                                status on April 1st, 1999.  “In 1999, there were

        Be that as it may, Synard’s individual contributions    many different needs for Nunavummiut, but as the

        to the community are exemplary, giving back to          territory continues to grow the needs grow as well

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