Page 9 - Allnorth Consultants Limited
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Allnorth was also among the first engineering firms to   that a facility’s design is based on real data that

        use terrestrial-based 3D scanners, or reality capture   contractors can price, creates cost certainty.”

        devices, and now the company employs expert
        drone pilots to enable remote data capture as well.     ALLNORTH IS ALL GROWTH

        As pioneers in the use of 3D scanning technology,

        Allnorth has many years of experience figuring out      Clearly the Triple Bottom Line approach is working
        how to leverage the capability to its fullest.          for Allnorth. The organization has organically grown

                                                                over the past 25 years to a complement of over

        According to Bell, “The world of technology has         450 people in offices throughout Canada as well
        become just phenomenal, and when you have the           as a service centre in Atlanta, Georgia. The Allnorth

        ability to provide a client with a full 3D model of their   Saskatoon office alone has grown from a couple of
        plan for their facility, road or bridge and you can     people in 2010 to a community of over 70 people.

        tie that to field data and drone technology, it gives   The company shows no signs of flattening its

        that client a very high level of comfort that you can   growth trajectory, with an aggressive five-year plan
        deliver on what you're promising. You can actually      that includes metrics such as doubling business,

        take that data and use it in the design. Knowing        driving employee turnover below ten percent,

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