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For Skills/Compétences Canada (SCC), it’s all about exposing young

        women and men to skilled trades and technologies.

                  ounded in 1989, the national, not-for-        Skills Canada is proudly represented in all provinces
                  profit organization actively promotes the     and territories in the country. The federated model

                  skills movement in Canada, providing          works to deliver programs that meet provincial/

       Fdirection and guidance to over 100,000                  territorial needs and is a vital component to ensure
        young people a year just through the competitions       Canada’s economic success through a strong and

        to create awareness about the opportunities             skilled workforce.
        and potential that exist within skilled trades and

        technologies.                                           According to a survey by the Business Development

                                                                Bank of Canada, Canada is in the midst of a skilled
        “There is a wide array of careers in skilled trades     labour shortage. Skills Canada works to show

        and technologies,” says Shaun Thorson, Chief            Canadians there are good quality, well-paying and
        Executive Officer.  “Through Skills Canada, we          flexible careers in the trades and that trade and

        show students what it would be like to pursue           technology occupations are evolving. Skills Canada

        those occupations through experiential, hands-on        wants young Canadians to see that solid essential
        activities that get the tools and materials into their   skills such as numeracy and problem-solving skills

        hands.”                                                 are important to be successful in the trades.

        Welding competitor at
        the 2019 Skills Canada
        National Competition,
        in Halifax

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