BEC / NOV / 2018 - page 25

perspective on the Cannabis Act on October 17th.
talking about for a while—that funded
capacity is not the true measurement
of success. The true measure is how
much have you built and how much
cannabis can you supply today.
What’s it like to be on the forefront
of a new industry?
As someone who has worked in regu-
lated industry for over 25 years and
personally not been able to consume
cannabis because of regulations, it’s
exciting to have this as an option.
With legalization, I can go back to
sitting across from a neighbour and
fully talk about the benefits of canna-
bis (recreationally, lifestyle-improve-
ment, or medicinally) and not feel like
I have a stigma over me. More impor-
tantly, what is really important is we
were there as the first G7 Nation to
decriminalize marijuana.
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