20 DEC 2024 | BUSINESS ELITE CANADA next step, our $36 billion 10-year capital plan, which includes everything from investing in our generation assets and large transmission infrastructure to the substations and local wires that deliver power to homes and businesses across the province.” Finishing the reservoir filling was a complex process that increased water levels at the dam site by 43 meters over 11 weeks. Environmental and cultural monitors, including those from Treaty 8 First Nations, were engaged throughout this phase to ensure minimal impact on wildlife and preserve cultural integrity. Reservoir shoreline and slope stability continue to be closely monitored as part of long-term safety measures. Site C is an integral part of BC Hydro’s commitment to sustainability, ensuring that British Columbia’s energy grid remains robust, reliable, and primarily clean. With 98 per cent of BC Hydro’s power already generated from clean or renewable resources, the addition of Site C will strengthen the province’s leadership in clean energy generation across North America. BC Hydro has also invested extensively in mitigating environmental impacts with over a thousand inspections and one million instrumentation readings were conducted during reservoir filling to ensure the safety and functionality of key project structures, including the earthfill dam, powerhouse, and spillways. When Site C is in-service, electricity will be transported to the BC Hydro grid through the 500-kilovolt transmission towers. (Photo credit- BC Hydro Site C Clean Energy Project)