BEC / APR / 2023

OLGCC has had many successful private sector partnerships since its inception. One such example is OL Pharmacy (2005) which has supported the provision of pharmaceutical services locally to OLCN members and surrounding communities. Onion Lake has been in Oil Production since in 2003 with International Petroleum Corporation, and Summit Earth Services is a joint venture partnership called Turtle Islands Earth Services (2021) with Onion Lake, Beretta Pipeline and Construction. Of these partnerships, Chief says, “Our mandate has never changed when it comes to partnerships. We first look at what opportunities can this partnership bring for our members or benefit our companies in the long-term, transparency to information, good relationships and strong communication is important in any partnership, but that partner must recognize and understand that Onion Lake has their own voice and our own way of doing things.” The OLGCC Board of Directors report to our Shareholders (Chief and Council) Quarterly. “Communication and having dialogue are important to our Nation to ensure we are on the same path going forward,” says Chief. “We also package information of our Companies to distribute at membership meetings or other community events.” OLGCC also works with training centers and education to prepare our members for upcoming 46 APR 2023 | BUSINESS ELITE CANADA