BEC / February / 2014 - page 45

business elite canada
your class mates and can ef-
fectively participate virtually
as if you’re in the classroom.”
The course is attracting more
and more students through its
flexible nature in that you can
attend both off and on-cam-
pus classes and offers advan-
tages over the traditional form
of education.
WISE focuses on energy re-
search advancement and to
give practitioners interested
in the area a technical back-
ground. “We have the world’s
largest cooperative program
which presents a huge oppor-
tunity for us to explore the
green energy industry with a
number of different employ-
ers,” adds Tracey. “We host
many opportunities for stu-
dents through our own chan-
nels… and we’re seeing those
opportunities continue to in-
crease.” The institute con-
tinues to fulfill their global
aspirations for high impact
research by nurturing a uni-
versity-wide, multi-disciplin-
ary approach. Research fo-
cuses on three themes, first
of which is achieving a glob-
al low carbon transforma-
tion. This theme recognizes
the extent to which current
forms of energy are proving
detrimental to the integrity
of national systems and the
challenge of meeting grow-
ing energy needs consistent
Dr. Aiping Yu, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering,
University of Waterloo, with her graduate students
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