Huys - page 7

“I was intrigued as to howHuys was able to
weld titanium carbide to copper since they
are dissimilar materials.When I bought the
company, they didn’t know why,” Scotch-
mer said.The matter was a perplexing one,
but finally a solution arose after extensive
research. Through this emerged the com-
pany’s claim to fame: low energy welding.
“You shouldn't be able to weld copper
with titanium carbide, but the whole rea-
son that this is possible is because of low
energy welding,” Scotchmer said, explain-
ing that the secret behind the process in-
volves using only a very small amount of
energy. “The trick is we’re putting in about
one joule of energy.We’re melting one tiny
bit of the titanium carbide and depositing a
spark of it on the copper.”
Even though the titanium carbide is being
melted at a very high temperature, when
the spark lands on a relatively large piece
of copper, the copper cools quickly and re-
mains largely unaffected by the tiny spark.
Usually when two parts are welded to-
gether, the intense heat may compromise
the structural integrity and strength of the
area around the spot of welding (the “heat
affected zone” or HAZ). The great thing
about low energy welding is that putting
The three types of our applicators:
Vibratory, Rotating, andVibratory+Rotating
MARCH 2017
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