Ontario Parks - page 9

APRIL 2016
business elite canada
have altered many aspects of the earth’s
natural ecosystems, and Ontario is no ex-
ception. From a philosophical perspective,
Ontario’s parks serve as a reminder of
what it once was like, telling a story that is
both biological and historical.
On the pragmatic side of it, parks offer rec-
reational and ecotourism opportunities and
contribute to the economy. Provincial parks
provide great opportunities for Ontarians
to have outdoor recreational experiences.
These low-impact experiences, like camp-
ing and canoeing, are ecologically sustain-
able, Steinberg said. Over 100 of Ontario’s
parks house on-site facilities to support
these activities. Not all parks are the same;
some have specific features that draw in
countless visitors. For example, many peo-
ple go to Algonquin Provincial Park for the
spectacular wildlife viewing opportunities
present there.
Provincial parks contribute to our body of
knowledge as well. Researchers from vari-
ous fields carry out studies in parks, from
biological studies of species’ habitats to
archaeological excavations. Through a rig-
orous authorization process, research proj-
ects are screened by ecologists and park
staff to ensure the environment is protect-
ed. In an archaeological dig, for instance,
the researcher would conclude their proj-
ect by returning any disturbed ground to its
original condition in order to maintain the
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