Jewel Energy Service - page 5

business elite canada
Jewel Energy was formed in April 2011,
providing intermediate to heavy-duty coiled
tubing and pressure pumping services to a
growing market in the Western Canada Sedi-
mentary Basin. As the business grew, they
began developing a reputation as a highly-
respected company where customer satisfac-
tion and employee safety were top priorities.
Three coiled tubing rigs has expanded to six
and the fleet also includes heavy duty cranes
and pressure pumping trucks. Their business
and sales office in Calgary, Alberta, and opera-
tions base in Red Deer, Alberta, were recently
joined by a full-service operations facility in
Arcola, Saskatchewan.
Put simply, coiled tubing is a string of joint-
less steel tubing that can stretch from 1,000
to 7,500 metres in length with diameters rang-
ing anywhere from .75 to 3.5 inches. When
work is needed to be done on a high-pressure
well, the tubing can be run continuously into
the wellbore, keeping the well safe and under
control. At that point, a variety of work can be
carried out depending on the issues impact-
ing the well. Fracturing a formation, removing
sand from the wellbore, hydraulic or mechani-
cal scale removal and setting packers are just a
few of the services Jewel Energy provides. By
combining engineering and planning with the
best choices in equipment and technology, the
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