BEC / NOV / 2018 - page 113

expectations are very high and there
is more scrutiny on transit than ever
before. To address transit challenges,
CUTAbelieves the best tool is accurate
data, and the organization is investi-
gating ridership trends to develop an
industry-wide data comparability, as
well as ways to reposition ridership as
a metric of success.”
The over-arching theme to the future
of transit is that there is no single
solution, and that public transit must
be tailored to the diverse needs of
urban landscapes. “By strengthening
transit’s position as an investment
in quality of life, the economy and
in environmental sustainability, we
are making inroads in lessening our
society’s dependency on single occu-
pancy vehicles. A long-term vision,
industry involvement and political
leadership are key to ensuring that
public transit maximizes its contribu-
tion to Canada’s economy and to the
quality of life of all Canadians.”
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