BEC / March / 2016 - page 99

bed kits, donating the supplies to 50 chil-
dren living in an orphanage. After returning
home, he showed photos of the children
to friends, who in turn offered their sup-
port, and SCAW was born.
Today, the not-for-profit organization has
supplied bedkits to 1.5 million children be-
tween the ages of six and 12 around the
world, and that number continues to grow.
Each kit, which is priced at $35, contains
many of the essentials that most people
take for granted: bedding, a mattress and
pillow, clothing, a mosquito net and some
school supplies. “The idea is to get the
child a good night’s sleep and give them
a reason to go to school in the morning
and provide them with whatever can help
them,” Dryden said.
“The idea is to get the child a good night’s sleep and give them a reason to go to
school in the morning and provide them with whatever can help them.”
MARCH 2016
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