BEC / March / 2016 - page 54

dampening or sound deadening materials.
Since rubber sheet has so many uses,
GCP finds itself working across a number
of sectors, from oil and gas, mining and
agriculture to manufacturing and transpor-
tation. The product is both durable and for-
giving, and that’s one of the reasons that
manufacturers of agricultural vehicles are
turning to rubber ladders alongside the cab
doors. The traditional aluminium or steel
vertical ladders would be damaged if they
hit other structures or equipment; the rub-
ber ladders can take a certain amount of
impact and still maintain their shape and
function. The same holds true for industrial
doors. If a truck hit the door backing into
the loading dock or manoeuvring into a
parking garage, the heavy-duty laminated
rubber would be able to stand up to more
abuse than its metal counterpart.
“The Risk-Free Sourcing Solution™ was born out of frustration. It became a
philosophy; it became a way of life for us.” Gary Mottershead, President
54 business elite canada
MARCH 2016
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